The local issues are not being dealt with under a Labour Council especially over election time a few things we've me as a local resident and other residents are upset about.
*Rubbish is piling up as it is not being collected, food bins for recycling are being left to rot and attract rats and maggots! Have the Councillors decided not to work over election time and left the residents with no representation.
*The residents of Mile End has brought to our attention that the roads in front of their doors are very busy and there isn't any adequate traffic measure; therefore an accident is imminent.
LBTH roads and highways department need to do something!
* Residents are upset about a large tree over shadowing their property obstructing day and sun light and also shadowing as a nuisance. It is the responsibility of the council to trim this tree where are the Councillors when it comes to this? More spin and not enough hands on Labour!!! I don't think they are representing their ideology producing spin and letting hard working families
down.*The Council is wasting more and more of our hard earned money. Locals have scaffolding which has been up for 4 years on their road who knows the rental on that could be nearly a million pounds and what an eyesore!
This is not right lets change the laid back Council that sit on the boards of the Housing Associations and kick their heels back and don't tackle local peoples concerns.